Friday, July 30, 2010

OverWrite. A program to inject random lines between original lines of a file.

//A program to inject random lines between original lines of a file.

//include headers and libraries



//define constants and macros
#define BUFFERSIZE 1024

//declare functions prototypes
void DisplayError(LPTSTR lpszFunction);
int fReadTheFile(LPCTSTR, char[]);
void fWriteTheFile(LPCTSTR, char[]);
void fCloseFile(HANDLE);

// Note: this simplified sample assumes the file to read is an ANSI text file
// only for the purposes of output to the screen. CreateFile and ReadFile
// do not use parameters to differentiate between text and binary file types.

Programa juguete para recordar comportamiento de buffers en C.

//A toy program to test buffer behaviours.

//include libraries



//define constants and macros
#define BUFFERSIZE 1024

//define functions prototypes
void fPutGetBuffer(char[], char[]);

// Note: this simplified sample assumes the file to read is an ANSI text file
// only for the purposes of output to the screen. CreateFile and ReadFile
// do not use parameters to differentiate between text and binary file types.